As a local sorority, KDE has complete control over our philanthropy initiatives. We aren’t bound to one particular cause, but instead have the freedom to focus our efforts on all sorts of causes important to our sisters. Some of our recent philanthropic endeavors have been raising money for the Prouty at the Norris-Cotton Cancer Center at DHMC; cooking meals for Upper Valley residents at the Hanover Community Kitchen and the Dismas House; and partnering with Sawtooth Kitchen to fundraise for WISE.
Hanover Community Kitchen
Termly, we go to the Hanover Community Kitchen to cook together and share a meal. We get to know the local community better & give back!
The Prouty
Every summer, KDEs participate in the Prouty, a local event that raises money for cancer research.
Letters of Love
Multiple times a term, we work with Letters of Love, sending cards to Children’s Hospitals.
Sawtooth Fundraiser
In the fall, we hosted a fundraiser at Sawtooth Kitchen for WISE. Through this, we both partnered with a local business and donated 10% of each purchase to our chosen organization.
Dismas House
We love to cook for the Dismas House, a halfway house in the Upper Valley where we spend time with each other and get to hear the stories of those currently living there.
Car Wash
Every summer, we host a car wash with Theta Delta Chi to raise money for Listen, a local organization that provides many forms of support to the Upper Valley.
Get Involved!
If you have a philanthropy initiative you’re looking for a student organization to get involved in, please get in touch with our Philanthropy and Programming Chair by emailing kappa.delta.epsilon@dartmouth.edu!